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Business Coaching Services

Business Coaching Services

Regular price $150.00 USD
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As an entrepreneur, there are times I asked myself if this headache is worth my time and energy. Being an entrepreneur is not easy regardless of how others make it seem. It needs consistency and dedication; but having all those in place sometimes still not enough. This is the reason why AfricStyle has these services in place. 

Listed below are services we provide. 

All services are 45mins per session. Need additional Sessions, can be added on. 

Business Mentorship ~ Talent discovering (per session)

In this business 101, I will help you discover your God given talents and how to turn it into a cash flow opportunity.

We will discuss how, what, when, why of your talents.

We will talk about your niche, target audience and marketing strategies.


Business mentorship

Our business mentorship program is like having a best friend who is there for you professionally.

1. I check in monthly, or quarterly.

2. Discuss upcoming projects/bounce ideas off each other

3. Products or Inventory ideas.


Business Facilitator

1. Work with vendors on your behalf to get you inventory

2. Find you appropriate vendors

3. Negotiate pricing

4. Follow-up through shipping inventory to you. 



Retail Website Building/Shopify Platform/Social Media page building 

Self-explanatory. Don't have time or building a website is difficult for you, I can walk you through Shopify website setup. This service is a basic shopify web building not maintenance. (45 minutes session)


Social Media Maintenance/Website Maintenance 

This is a monthly fee $500 for 4 weeks. (2 hours a week)

If you promote your business on social media you know it is more than just posting. In my services for your Social media, will be posting twice a month, including tagging and sharing.

Website Maintenance, will include updating your website with your inventory, product details, email marketing. (MAX 2hrs a week for 4 weeks).

These two services goes hand in hand, therefore depending on where you are in your business, may need more services in one area than the other. ( for both or either social media platforms or website)

Wanting a social media platforms built for your business or website built for your business, please pick accordingly for pricing.


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